Discover me in a sentence: everything you need to know, right here


Digital Odyssey: A 19-Year-Old's Journey in Web Development.

At the youthful age of 19, I proudly identify as a web developer
with a passion for crafting digital experiences. My coding odyssey
commenced at the tender age of 16, and over the past three years,
I've immersed myself in the ever-evolving realm of programming.
Armed with enthusiasm and a knack for innovation,
I've successfully brought to life a variety of websites,
showcasing my dedication to continuous learning and creative expression
in the dynamic world of web development.

University of life:

I am currently enrolled in the University of Viveswaraya
College of Engineering in Bangalore, pursuing a
B.Tech in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
This esteemed institution provides a dynamic environment for academic growth,
fostering a deep understanding of cutting-edge technologies.
With a dedicated faculty and state-of-the-art facilities,
I am excited to embark on this educational journey,
honing my skills and knowledge in the field of AIML.
The University of Viveswaraya is not just an educational institution;
it is my gateway to a future enriched with innovation and technological prowess.

Personal Passage: Unveiling My Path

Embarking on my coding odyssey with Python,
I initially crafted a chatbot that sparked my fascination with web development.
Transitioning to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript,
I reveled in the art of creating aesthetically pleasing and interactive websites.
The adoption of Next.js, a React framework, significantly elevated my skills,
empowering me to construct dynamic and efficient web applications.
Each stride in this expedition has proven to be a gratifying exploration,
propelling me toward continuous learning and evolution within
the dynamic realm of coding.

Coding Adventures Unfolded: March 2022 and Beyond

I excel in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript,
adept at creating visually appealing and interactive websites.
Additionally, I possess a 50% proficiency in Next.js,
utilizing its capabilities to develop dynamic and efficient web applications with React.
